If you are an athlete of any age, you may be experiencing foot problems which need sports medicine care. Our podiatrist, Dr. Eugene Shapiro, is able to provide you with the very best Sheepshead Bay sports medicine podiatry care at our Body & Feet pediatric practice.
It is very common for athletes to need Sheepshead Bay sports medicine care, as an athlete’s feet can experience rough wear and tear over an extended period of time. Our podiatrist is able to provide many treatments for athletes, as well as provide treatment for any patient, young or old, who is experiencing foot pain. Some common foot ailments that are treated at our podiatry practice include: ankle sprains; flat feet; hammertoes; heel spurs; corns; athlete’s foot; and many other foot problems. If you suffer from an ankle sprain, it is important that you contact our office for an immediate appointment to make sure that your ankle sprain is treated promptly, so as to avoid the development of any long-term ankle problems. When a patient has an ankle sprain, they usually have one or more ligaments on the outside of the ankle which has either been stretched or torn. Athlete’s foot is a common condition caused by various types of fungus which are found in places where people go barefoot, such as at swimming pools, gyms, or public showers. Athlete’s foot also includes the problems of fungal toenails as well as skin problems, such as itching or peeling feet. Another common foot problem suffered by athletes are heel spurs. This is also referred to as plantar fasciitis. Our podiatrist will be able to provide you with several different types of treatment which will alleviate the condition and keep it from worsening. Almost all treatments of plantar fasciitis are non-surgical. Our podiatrist also treats more common foot problems such as bunions, and hammertoes.
For an appointment to meet with our Sheepshead Bay sports medicine podiatrist, contact us today.
By Body & Feet
September 28, 2016