All diabetics are warned that their metabolic disease often affects the eyes, the kidneys, and the feet with often tragic consequences. Poor circulation, numbness and burning, loss of balance and strength, foot ulcers, infections, and all too often gangrene and amputation are commonly associated with diabetes. That’s why it is vital for those with diabetes to seek Brighton Beach foot care to ensure they are free from foot problems that can possibly lead to infection and other serious complications.
Patients with diabetes are prone to foot problems. This is can be caused by two different ways. If you have damaged nerves in your legs and feet, you might not feel heat, cold, or pain. This lack of feeling is called "sensory diabetic neuropathy." If you do not feel a cut or sore on your foot because of neuropathy, the cut could get worse and become infected. Diabetes also affects the flow of blood, and this is called “peripheral vascular disease”. Diabetes decreases blood flow, so injuries are slow to heal. With a diabetic foot, a wound as small as a blister from wearing a shoe that's too tight can cause a lot of damage. If you have an infection that will not heal because of poor blood flow, you are at risk for developing ulcers or gangrene. Diabetes can cause a number of other foot problems, such as athlete’s foot, fungal infection of nails, calluses, corns, blisters, bunions, dry skin, foot ulcers, hammertoes, ingrown toenails, and plantar warts. All of these conditions can be treated by our podiatrist, Dr. Shapiro. Be sure your diabetes doctor also examines your feet during each check-up. An annual foot exam should be performed that includes an inspection of the skin, a check of the temperature of your feet, and an assessment of the sensation to the foot. All diabetics should, at the very least, have an annual podiatry exam, even if they don’t have any foot problems. At Body & Feet, Brighton Beach foot care for our diabetic patients will start with a complete lower extremity evaluation. Dr. Shapiro will determine how your diabetes has affected your feet so that a program of care can be custom developed to treat and reverse any existing problems and prevent future problems from developing.
Working alongside of internists and endocrinologists as part of the diabetes health professional team, podiatry and Brighton Beach foot care has been proven to be a valuable asset in maintaining longevity and quality of life for diabetics. Check your feet every day for sores, blisters, redness, calluses, or any of the other problems. If you have poor blood flow, it is especially important to do a daily foot check. Most importantly, you should visit Body & Feet for diabetic foot and wound care with our podiatrist, Dr. Shapiro.
By Body & Feet
September 10, 2015